Auf dem Weg zum Shishapangma

Nirmal Purja: Weg frei für Achttausender Nummer 14

Der 36-jährige Nepalese scheint sein "Project Possible" wie geplant abschließen zu können.

Nirmal Purja: Weg frei für Achttausender Nummer 14

Der Traum, alle 14 Achttausender der Erde innerhalb von nur sieben Monaten zu besteigen, scheint für Nirmal "Nims" Purja in Erfüllung zu gehen.

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. I have bleed from every angle and it’s been horrifically amazing journey. . Today: in just 157 days, I have summited all 13 x8000m mountains and in order to achieve this, only I know what I have been through. . While achieving this, I have conducted 4 rescues. 3 rescues were sucidal mission, where we conducted the rescue above 8400m without O2. . Me and my team fixed the lines on many mountains facilitating others to achieve their dreams. . While doing so, I had to guide/lead commercial expedition on several mountains because of the funding issues. . Loads and loads of sleep deprivation with non stop climbing in extreme weather conditions... And the list continues... .............HOWEVER.......... Today, I’m asking for genuine help only. . I had a meeting with deputy PM; Ex PM and tourism minister of Nepal to approach Chinese government in ref to #Shishapangma and the Government of Nepal has agreed to conduct a diplomatic talk with the Chinese Government. Till date; I’m still waiting for the reply. . Humble request: rather than sending me a message, I would be very grateful if you could write to Chinese government/ CMA/TMA on my behalf. I have done everything I could have done from my side. I think if we all go as a collective force, it may help. . Here are the respective email add, that may change the World for this endeavour . Chinese ambassador to nepal Ms Hou Yanqi Direct email to ambassador: Sport ministry China . . . ?? @sandro.g.h #nimsdai #uksf #14peaks7months #bremontprojectpossible #silxo #ospreyeurope #antmiddleton #digi2al #adconstructiongroup #omnirisc #summitoxygen #inmarsat #thrudark #gurkhas #sherpas #elitehimalayanadventures #alwaysalittlehigher

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Nachdem der ehemalige Elite-Soldat einen Bergriesen nach dem anderen in Rekordzeit "abhaken" konnte, zuletzt Cho Oyu und den Manaslu innerhalb von gerade einmal vier Tagen, drohten ihm die chinesischen Behörden auf der Zielgeraden noch einen dicken Strich durch die Rechnung zu machen. 

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....HOME... . . . 13/14 complete and here I’m not to talk about my project or my problem with #shishapangma because my problem is too small in comparison to what I’m going to talk about now. If I hadn’t truly believed in this, I wouldn’t have shouted from the death zone where 99.9 percent of human would been breathless. Clearly I’m not that kind of person who only talks from a nice and cosy chair. If I’m taking about this from the zone where humans including myself is literally dying; it means it comes from my heart. English is my second language and may be I am not good at talking or passing the bomb proof/ solid rehearsal message but what I’m saying comes from what I BELIEVE and certainly it’s on the spot kind of thingy. . Today I’m here to talk about our HOME.Believe me my friends, when things really goes out of order with the GLOBAL WARMING ; we as a human can’t do anything to stop it then.We can only put our hands in our head and REGRET. . This is our time, this is our CHANCE to save ourselves, our generations and the mankind from the biggest CRISIS that may happen if we don’t take it seriously now. . We as a human have always adapted and survived but that’s because we can see things ahead and we have been taking precautions. This is now our time to react and save OURSELVES. . Let’s unite to SURVIVE AND SAVE OUR HOME. . . . ?? @sandro.g.h & @iamsegang #globalwarming #saveourhome #saveourplanetearth #nimsdai #uksf #14peaks7months #bremontprojectpossible #silxo #ospreyeurope #antmiddleton #digi2al #adconstructiongroup #omnirisc #summitoxygen #inmarsat #thrudark #gurkhas #sherpas #elitehimalayanadventures #alwaysalittlehigher

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Nirmal Purja MBE - Nimsdai (@nimsdai) am

Denn diese hatten die komplett in Tibet gelegene Shishapangma (8027 m), den kleinsten und gleichzeitig letzten Achttausender in der To-Do-Liste von Nirmal Purja, diesen Herbst für Besteigungen gesperrt; auch für den Nepalesen wollte man keine Sondergenehmigung ausstellen. 

Pünktlich zum 70. Jahrestag der Volksrepublik China am 01. Oktober scheinen die Autoritäten in Peking aber über ihren eigenen Schatten gesprungen zu sein: Wie die Himalayan Times in ihrer Online-Ausgabe berichtet, könne der 36-Jährige jetzt damit rechnen, das gewünschte "special climbing permit" zu erhalten. Die chinesische Botschaft in Kathmandu sei dazu angehalten worden, hierfür die notwendigen Schritte in die Wege zu leiten.

Nun meldet sich Puja auf seiner Facebook-Seite: Das Visum für China habe er erhalten und sei nun auf dem Weg zum letzten der 14 Achttausender. Die Chancen für Puja stehen also gut, dass Mammut-Projekt doch noch abschließen zu können.

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Hi Lö auf Facebook

Warum nicht in 14 Tagen? Es zählt nur " immer mehr, schneller, höher. Ist sicher eine tolle Leistung, für mich aber bedenklich.